User Services Agreement

Welcome to sign this "User Service Agreement" (hereinafter "this Agreement") with our platform operator (see the definition and terms for details) and use our platform services.

Before you click to agree to this agreement, you should read this agreement carefully. Please be sure to read carefully and fully understand the contents of each clause, especially the clauses on exemption or limitation of liability, applicable laws and dispute resolution clauses. Terms that exclude or limit liability will be underlined in bold and you should read them carefully. If you have any questions about the agreement, you can consult our platform.

When you fill in the information according to the prompts on the page, read and agree to the procedures of this agreement, it means that you have fully read, understood and accepted the entire contents of this agreement, and have reached an agreement with us to become a "user" of our platform. During the process of reading this agreement, if you do not agree with this agreement or any of its terms, you should immediately stop using this program.

1. Acceptance, changes, modifications and additions to this agreement

1.1 By confirming the use of this software, you agree to accept all the terms and conditions of this agreement. If you are unwilling to accept all the terms and conditions of this agreement, please do not access or use the software.

1.2 We have the right to revise this Agreement at any time in accordance with changes in national laws and changes in our platform services, and once the terms of the agreement are changed, we will prompt the revised content on the relevant page. If the user does not agree with this Agreement, you can give up the use or access to this website or cancel the services already obtained. If you do not agree to the changes, you should stop using our services from the date when the changes are determined to take effect. If you choose to continue to access or use the software after the change, it will be deemed that the user has accepted the modification of this agreement.

1.3 Due to the rapid development of the Internet, the terms set out in this agreement signed by you and our company cannot fully list and cover all the rights and obligations between us, and the existing agreements cannot guarantee that they fully meet the needs of future development. Therefore, the relevant statements and policies published on our platform, our platform rules and agreements are all  supplementary to this agreement, which are inseparable from this agreement and have the same legal effect. If you use our platform services, it is deemed that you agree to the above supplementary agreement.

2. Definition

Our company: Shenzhen Along Electronics Co., Ltd. (

Under this agreement, the operator of our platform may change according to the business adjustment. After the change, the operator of our platform will perform this agreement with you and provide you with services. The change of our platform operator will not affect your rights under this agreement. Our platform operator may also be added because of the provision of new services. If you use the newly added services, it is deemed that you agree to the newly added platform operator to perform this agreement with you. In the event of a dispute, you can determine the subject of performance and the counter party to the dispute based on the specific services you used and the specific behavior object that affects your rights and interests.

Platform service: refers to the live broadcast and real-time online upload, video viewing, video playback, content interaction, content sharing and dissemination that we provide to you through our platform (including any other service provision that may appear in the future, whether it is a new form of the platform or a new tool for live video broadcasting and dissemination).

Platform rules: including all rules, interpretations, announcements, etc. that have been published and subsequently published on all our platform websites, as well as various rules, implementation rules, product descriptions, announcements published by each platform on channels, event pages, help centers, etc..

User: Users who use all software provided on our platform.

3. Agreement body

This agreement is jointly concluded by you and our platform operator (Zhuhai Jieli Technology Co., Ltd.), and this agreement has contractual effect between you and our platform operator. You can identify our platform with whom you perform in accordance with this terms of the definition.

4. User and use

4.1 User qualification

You should confirm that, before you start to use our platform services, you should have the capacity for civil conduct that is commensurate with your behavior as stipulated by the laws of the People's Republic of China. If you do not have the aforementioned civil capacity for your behavior, you and your guardian will bear all the consequences arising therefrom in accordance with the law. If you are a minor, please access or use our platform website/software with the consent and guidance of your guardian.

5. Platform service content

5.1 The specific content of our services is provided by our platform according to the actual situation, including but not limited to authorized users publishing pictures, videos, forwarding links, etc. through their accounts, and our platform has the right to upgrade or adjust the services or the product forms, and will update the page/inform to users timely.

5.2 Service Change, Interruption or Termination

In view of the particularity of network services (including but not limited to server stability issues, malicious network attacks and other situations beyond our control), users agree that our platform has the right to interrupt or terminate part or all of it at any time. In the event of such interruption or termination of services, our platform will promptly notify the affected users through web-page announcements, system notifications or other reasonable means. In the event of any of the following circumstances, our platform has the right to interrupt or terminate the provision of services under this agreement to users at any time and without assuming any responsibility to the user or any third party, and the resulting loss shall be borne by the user independently:

5.2.1 The user violates the laws, national policies or the rules of use stipulated in this agreement;

5.2.2 Users infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of individual, social organizations, enterprises or institutions, including but not limited to insulting, slandering, abusing others, and slandering the  reputation of social organizations or enterprises;

5.2.3 Users damage the image of regulatory authorities, state agencies and governments;

5.2.4 The user damages the legitimate rights and interests of our platform and affiliated companies such as goodwill or reputation in any way;

5.2.5 Other cooperating platforms deems necessary to interrupt or terminate the provision of services to users;

5.3 In the process of using our services, users must follow under principles:

5.3.1 Not to violate the laws of the People's Republic of China and relevant international treaties or rules;

5.3.2 Not to violate network agreements, regulations, procedures and industry rules related to network services and our services;

5.3.3 Must not violate the "seven baselines" requirements of laws, socialist system, national interests, legitimate rights and interests of citizens, public orders, social morality, and information authenticity;

5.3.4 Not to conduct any behavior that may affect the normal operation of the Internet or mobile network;

5.3.5 Do not upload, display or disseminate any information that false, impersonating, harassing, defamatory, offensive, abusive, intimidating, racially discriminatory, defamatory, revealing privacy, adult pornographic, malicious plagiarism or any other illegal ;

5.3.6 Do not infringe intellectual property rights such as patent rights, copyrights, trademark rights, etc., or personal rights such as name rights, title rights, reputation rights, honor rights, portrait rights, privacy rights, or any other legitimate rights and interests enjoyed by others in any way;

5.3.7 Do not infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, social organizations and enterprises in any way, including but not limited to insulting, defamation, slandering citizens and destroy the goodwill or reputation of social organizations or enterprises;

5.3.8 The image of state organs and governments shall not be damaged in any way;

5.3.9 The legitimate rights and interests of our platform and its affiliates such as goodwill or reputation shall not be damaged in any way;

5.3.10 Do not engage in any behavior that affects or destroys the normal operation of our platform, or otherwise harms the operation of our platform.

5.3.11 Do not use our services in any other illegal manners, for any illegal purpose, or in any manners inconsistent with this Agreement.

5.3.12 Do not engage in other behaviors that violate laws, regulations, policies, public orders and customs, social morality, etc.

6. Intellectual Property and Other Rights

6.1 Our company is the ownership of our platform and our products and the owner of all copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets and other intellectual property rights related to the products. And no one can use it without our permission (including but not limited to copying, disseminating, displaying, mirroring, uploading, downloading, modifying, renting).

6.2 The above-mentioned our products refer to the functions, software and services provided by our platform, its affiliates, or its authorized subjects, which including but not limited to information publishing and sharing, relationship chain expansion, convenient auxiliary tools, platform applications, public opened platform and etc..

6.3 Our company is the owner of our platform and products and intellectual property rights of other related products such as copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets.

The aforementioned content includes but not limited to all content in our platform (except for content that users are legally entitled to copyright), technology, software, program code, interface design, layout framework, data, account numbers, text, pictures, graphics, charts, audio, video, etc., except what the relevant rights holders enjoyed by law.

6.4 In view of the above, the user should understand and agree that:

6.4.1 Without the consent of our platform and relevant rights holders, users shall not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the above functions, software and services. Meanwhile the above content or materials can not be published, played, rewritten or republished for any purposes in other media directly or indirectly;

6.4.2 Under the premise of commercially efforts, our platform does not take any responsibility to the user or any third party for the delay, inaccuracy, error, omission or any damages arising therefrom of the above functions, software, services and the contents;

6.4.3 Our platform does not make any guarantee or commitment for any of the above-mentioned functions, software, services or content provided by third parties, and any disputes or damages arising therefrom shall be borne or solved by the user and the third parties, and our platform does not assume any responsibility;

6.4.4 In order to ensure our stable operation, our platform reserves the right to dispose of the above-mentioned products or contents whose ownership and intellectual property rights are enjoyed by our platform at any time, including but not limited to revision, blocking, deletion or other disposal method permitted by any laws.

7. Breach and Handling

7.1 Determination of breach

1. Violating relevant laws in the process of using our platform;

2. Violating the provisions of this agreement and its supplementary agreements.

We may analyze your conduct based on the collection and comparative analysis of relevant data. If we believe that some of your behaviors are inappropriate or suspected of breach, you should provide reasonable explanations and proofs for the abnormal data at our request, otherwise we may determine that you constitute a breach of contract.

7.2 Handling of breach

For users who have breached the contract during the use of our platform, we may stop providing services to the user according to the extent of the breach.

If your actions on our platform, or your actions that are not implemented on our platform but have an impact on our platform and its users, constitute a breach of contract, we may restrict your account from participating in activities and suspend part or all of the services to you. If your behavior constitutes a serious effect or any other complete conflict with our platform services, or constitutes a breach of contract, we may freeze your account, terminate the provision of services to you, and pursue your legal responsibilities according to your breach of contract .

7.3 liability

If your actions cause us or our affiliates suffering losses (including  direct economic losses, loss of goodwill, and indirect economic losses such as compensation, settlement, attorney fees, litigation fees, etc.), all of the foregoing losses should compensate us by you. If your actions cause us or affiliates suffering from demands or losses claimed by a third party, you shall be solely responsible; if we suffer losses due to this, the user shall also compensate.

8. Disclaimer

8.1 Our platform provides services to you and assumes obligations according to the law, but we are not responsible for the maintenance of information network equipment, connection failures, computer, communication or other system failures, hacker activities, computer viruses, power failures, strikes, riots, fires, etc.. We are not responsible for damages caused to you by floods, storms, explosions, wars, government actions, orders of judicial and administrative authorities, or caused by third parties.

8.2 We control and provide our platform services through facilities within the territory of the People's Republic of China. We do not guarantee that the services we control or provide are appropriate and feasible in other countries or regions, and that any use of our platform services in other regions users should ensure that they comply with local laws and regulations, and we do not assume any responsibility for this.

8.3 You should understand and agree that any disputes or claims with third parties arising from your actions on our platform (including but not limited to infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of others, violating relevant intellectual property rights, or other violations of law or breach of contract, etc.), it should be handled solely by you, for which we are not responsible.

9. Disputes, Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

9.1 The conclusion, entry into force, interpretation, revision, supplement, termination, execution and dispute resolution of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China; if there are no relevant provisions in the law, business practices or industry practices shall be referred to.

9.2 This Agreement is signed in Baoan District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, the People's Republic of China.

9.3 Disputes arising from you and our platform services shall be resolved through negotiation between us. If the negotiation fails, you can submit the dispute to the people's court in the place where this Agreement is signed ( Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China).

9.4 The headings of all clauses in this agreement are only for reading convenience, have no actual meaning in themselves, and cannot be used as the basis for the interpretation of the meaning of this Agreement.

9.5 If any clause of this agreement is deemed to be void, invalid or unenforceable, such clause shall be deemed severable and shall not affect the validity and executability of the remaining clauses in this Agreement, and shall be binding on both parties.